Title: Dog Health Problems...Find Out Now
Author: Noah Schettini
Dog Health Problems...Find Out Now
As a pet owner, it is an important responsibility on your
part to keep your dog healthy. You must bring your dog to
the vet regularly. Even a healthy puppy will require many
visits to the vet. Vaccinations, exams, worming, spaying,
neutering and flea control are a few of the things that
requires to be done to your dog on its first year of life
to protect it from disease and other dog health problems.
Your dog cannot tell you when it feels sick. It is very
important that you are familiar with your dog's normal
behavior. Any sudden change to his physical or social
behavior may signal the onset of a dog health problem, and
early detection may save your dog's life. If your dog gets
sick, take him to the vet right away. Veterinary care
protects your health as well as your pet's, as the dog may
carry a disease that can be transmitted to people. The most
dangerous and well-known transmittable disease by far is
rabies, a disease that causes almost certain death if not
treated immediately.
You should learn to recognize signs of illness in your dog.
A sick dog usually tires easily, drinks excessive amounts
of water and/or refuse to eat. Other signs may include
convulsions, fever, dry cough, runny or red eyes, and a dry
nose. Frequent vomiting and loose bowel movement may also
indicate a medical problem.
Parasitic worms are also a cause for concern as these
parasites cause various dog health problems. Blood tests to
check for heartworms should be included in your dog's
annual checkup. These parasites are transmitted by
mosquitoes and can cause serious illness. Your vet can
prescribe you medicine that will protect your dog against
Fleas and ticks are also a nuisance to your pet's health.
They can cause anemia or paralysis. Keeping your dog clean
and well groomed can help minimize this threat. Cleaning
and dusting your pet's quarters with flea powder weekly can
also help keep your dog free of fleas.
As an owner there are preventive measures that you can take
in order to prevent dog health problems from manifesting.
Make sure that you give your dog the best nutrition
possible in order for him to develop a shield against
common diseases associated with malnutrition or improper
diet. Keep your pet healthy and in shape by giving him
plenty of room and time to exercise. Follow your
your dog for check-ups in order to detect any early signs
of trouble. Give your dog its regular prevention medicine
for heartworm and other parasites. Always keep your dog
well-groomed and clean. Brush your dog's teeth or give it
a tooth cleaning treat every week to avoid any gum or
dental problems. Most of all, do not forget to give your
dog lots of affection and firm but fair discipline to help
keep him mentally healthy and happy.
Your vet can tell you more about common dog health problems
for your dog's particular breed, so make sure you ask about
them on your dog's next visit.
About the Author:
Want to learn more information on any dog health problems?
Then go to http://www.healthyd
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