Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Pet Insurance - How To Avoid Large Vet Bills

Article Title: Pet Insurance – How To Avoid Large Vet Bills
Author: Mikael Rieck

Most pet owners today know that when taking your pet to a vet
it will often cost a much larger sum than anticipated. Maybe
your pet will need a vaccine because the local area is infected
with a new type of disease or bacteria or you have forgotten
that you pet needed some kind of treatment to keep it healthy.
This is often the case and the result is a bill that a lot of
people can have a hard time paying out of their pocket. This is
where it can be money well spent to have a pet insurance.

The purpose of a pet insurance is naturally to help the owner
of the pet in case it becomes ill or is involved in some kind of
accident. If you think that Vets are costly you should try
sending your pet to an animal hospital. Then you can talk about
having to bring the large wallet when paying the bills.
Unfortunately this is where the problems often arise and the
looser in this game will always be your beloved pet.

What if you are not able to pay the bill? Rarely does someone
show up to pay your bills and the tough choice that you will
have to make is to leave your pet without the right medical care
and attention. Most pets are a part of the family and if you
have kids you will have a hard time explaining why it is that
the family pet will have to suffer from either a disease or an
accident it has been involved in. The worst part is though, that
if you had taken the time to prepare before all the bad things
happened, you would have no troubles sending your family pet to
both the vet and to the animal hospital if necessary.

The solution is of course to get a pet insurance. The idea of
an insurance is that by paying a little every month, half year
or year, you will be able to send most bill to the insurance
company and have them pay for the correct treatment of you pet's
illnesses. One important thing to notice is that you need to
check the terms and conditions stated in the policy of the pet
insurance before you sign it.

Most insurance companies are fair but the insurance business
can be tricky and you will need to watch out so you won't get
scammed. A safer bet will always be to go for one of the major
companies as they will have much more at stake and thereby much
more to loose if they trick their customers and thereby gets bad
publicity. For a major insurance company a bad publicity stunt
can easily cost millions of dollars and they will therefore be
more likely to favor your requests. However you should never be
unreasonable or lie for that matter. It will come back to hunt
you later on.

If you are not wealthy and do not have big savings but you love
your pet and you don't want to see anything bad happen to it,
then pet insurance is for you. If you go online you will find
many insurance companies that will offer to insure your pet, but
you need to do some research before you sign a contract. It is
recommended to use the internet and to talk to people that have
already used the service you are thinking of buying for your
pet. We wish you a happy hunt.

About The Author: More great pet insurance tips can be found at - Take care of your pet.



What Every Animal Lover Needs To Know About Pet Insurance

Title: What Every Animal Lover Needs To Know About Pet Insurance
Author: Jay Smith

What Every Animal Lover Needs To Know About Pet Insurance
Remember those old `A dog is for life not just for
Christmas' ads? Well, I've no idea as to the long term
success of the campaign but you don't see them much these
days so maybe the message has started to get through.
Certainly the idea should be pretty common sense,
especially to animal lovers – looking after a pet means
just that, making sure you're aware of and willing to take
on the responsibility of an animal's life. This means that
when you welcome a pet into the family you should be in it
for the long haul, in many ways just as you would with a

I'm sure for most loving owners, and there are plenty of
people out there who really do treat their pets as they
would a member of the family, the message clearly isn't
necessary. However much you dote on and provide for your
pet though, difficult situations can easily arise, often
due to financial reasons rather than your ability as a pet

Unfortunately having a pet can be an expensive business and
I'm not just talking about rare breed dog owners grooming
their five grand poodle for next years Crufts, Quite apart
from the day to day costs of food the real expense comes in
when, for whatever reason, a visit to the Vet becomes
necessary. When it comes to fees Vets are something of a
law unto themselves and getting an issue with your pet's
health sorted out may well be a wince inducing experience.
Take some of these examples, all fees for common conditions
- £500 for an abscess, £1,000 for the removal of a lump or
a hefty £3,000 estimated for injuries sustained in a road
accident. When you take on board the Pet Health Council's
assertion that almost half the UK's pets need veterinary
care each year it becomes clear that the cost of caring for
your pet could spiral dramatically.

It's no wonder then that more and more pet owners are
starting to see the sense in taking out a pet insurance
policy. It might seem like something it would be easy to
disregard, just another expense that might not even be
necessary; but then, as with any type of insurance, what
you`re buying is piece of mind. After all what would happen
should your pet suddenly need expensive treatment at a
point in your life when funds are hard to come by?

About the Author:

Make sure you do the best for your pet, visit today for a
great Pet indurance quote

