Title: Leash Training Your Dog
Author: Michael Copper
Leash Training Your Dog
Dog Quote: Oh, that dog! Ever hear of a German shepherd
that bites its nails? Barks with a lisp? You say, "Attack!"
And he has one. All he does is piddle. He's nothing but a
fur-covered kidney that barks. ....Phillis Diller
Training your dog to not pull on the leash
One of the most common problems people have with their dogs
is pulling on the leash. There are many reasons why this
can occur, and quite often it is nothing more than
excitement on the dogs part. If this is the case, allowing
the dog a few minutes to simmer down before taking it on
his/her walk can often stop it.
Once again, the dogs pack mentality can come to play with
the dog assuming leadership over its owner as the leader of
the pack. This comes back to the basics of dog training
where the dog must be aware of who the master is.
Failure to get this basic dog training technique under
control can lead to all sorts of problems, particularly if
the dog gets off the leash. In the presence of other dogs,
and sometimes young children this problem becomes
One of the basics of dog training is for the owner to
establish him or herself as the leader of the pack
otherwise no training can be effective.
Once this has been established you can start the process of
getting your dog to walk calmly beside you with or without
a leash. And that process can only start if you are able to
get your dog to sit calmly while you put the leash around
its neck. That is the very first step of training your dog
to walk without pulling in its leash.
Once you succeed in that task, you can move on to the next
step where you can get your dog to walk beside you without
a leash and be assured that he/she won't run away.
And from there you will not be one of those people where
the dog is taking them for a walk.
Stop Your Dog Jumping on People
Dog Quote: They have dog food for constipated dogs. If your
dog is constipated, why screw up a good thing? Stay indoors
and let 'em bloat! ....David Letterman
Jumping on People
No matter how much we might enjoy our pet jumping up to
greet us, there are many people who dislike having a
strange dog coming up and jumping on them. For many people
it can be a frightening experience as not everyone is a dog
Besides that, many people just don't want dirty paw marks
over their clothing.
It can also create major problems if a large dog were to
jump up on a child or an elderly person.
Dogs will generally jump up on people because they are
overly excited and pleased to see them - even if that
person is a stranger.
Many people inadvertently encourage this behavior by
rewarding the dog with attention after the dog has jumped
up on them. The dog then seeks similar reward from other
people whether they like it or not.
This is detrimental to the proper training of the dog and
all members of the family must realize that they're doing
more harm than good by encouraging their dog to jump up on
Consistency is important in all forms of dog training,
where members of the dog's family will need to exercise
discipline and accept that training will be all the more
difficult if the dog is allowed to continue with this
Failure to do so will lead to confusion with the pet not
knowing what is right or wrong.
An alternative to having your dog jump up on you and other
people is to teach it to sit and lift it's paw when
greeting you for a handshake or similar tricks where the
dog will be rewarded with attention.
About the Author:
I'm an online publisher of web content and blogs pertaining
to the needs and wants of the public.
I'm also a business coach, and my coaching web can be found
at http://www.course-
out my latest blog about dogs at ...
for my dog blog articles about the latest in canine health
care and training.