Monday, May 21, 2007

Stop Puppies Biting

Title: Stop Puppies Biting
Author: Michael Copper

Stop Puppies Biting
Puppies love to bite. They do it naturally but it is
something that they must be taught not to do. This needs to
be addressed while they are young because dog bites can
lead to all sorts of problems including legal action. It
may seem fun and funny to have a puppy biting but a
full-grown dog can do a lot of damage, particularly to
children if they are in the habit of biting. Dogs have
immense strength in their jaws and even a playful nip can
do permanent damage to a child.

Generally, puppies are taught to control their biting from
their mothers but in most cases we get puppies as pets that
have been taken from their mothers at a very young age and
it is up to us to teach them as puppies not to bite.

By letting your dog socialize with other dogs from a young
age they will quickly learn from their elders, provided
they have been taught well, that the desire to bite needs
to be curbed to avoid retaliation and an ensuing fight.

The sooner the puppy is taught not to bite by the owner or
by interaction with other dogs, the less aggressive they
will become as they grow older and the more pleasant they
will be to live with.

Taking a puppy to a dog training school will allow it to
interact with other dogs where it will quickly be corrected
for any misbehavior. Puppies should generally learn to
interact with other dogs within the first three months of
their life. The longer this is left the more difficult it
becomes for your dog to socialize correctly and they can
become dangerous later in life. As with children, the
sooner your puppy can learn correct behavior patterns the
better they will be in the long term.

It is also wise to get the puppy to behave correctly in the
presence of other animals including cats and any other pets
that they might come in contact with over their life.

There are many items that are available from the pet stores
and vets that can give your puppy suitable satisfaction to
chew and bite upon. This will allow your puppy to learn
what is right and what is not right to bite.


In case you haven't noticed, quality vet care isn't cheap.
But if it wasn't-I'd be worried. Because it would be your
pet's health that had to suffer! The cost to run a
veteinary clinic is more than what many people expect and
most veterinarians retire before their college loans are
paid off.

Of course, you probably could care less about all that! You
just want your pet to receive proper health care without
breaking the bank. Understood. Let's find out how.

Tip #1: Be straight up!

If your pooch is acting sick and you KNOW he ate something
out of the garbage-tell the vet! I can't tell you how many
times we've gone through a list of expensive (and sometimes
unnecessary) diagnostic procedures to find out that the
owner knew all along what the problem might be!

"Oh yeah-I did notice that I had a sock missing . . ." Ugh!

We had one gentleman who knew his dog ate a pair of panties
but didn't want to tell us because, well . . . the panties
didn't belong to his wife.

Fortunately, the dog got better but his pocketbook paid the
price. Not sure what happened to the marriage.

We're not here to judge you-we're here to make your pet
feel better!

Tip #2: Follow your vet's recommendations when it comes to
preventative medicine (heartworm preventative,
vaccinations, blood tests, etc.). Do you think heartworm
pills are expensive? Well, the cost of heartworm
preventative is chump-change in comparison to what it costs
to treat a heartworm positive dog. Depending on the dog's
weight, a month of heartworm preventative can cost $3-8. If
your dog tests positive expect to pay $500-$1000 (or more)
to have him treated. Egads! That's a mortgage payment for
some folks. And by the way, ALL DOGS are at risk for
acquiring heartworm disease, even if living indoors. It
only takes ONE bite from an infected mosquito. I've seen
all kinds of dogs test positive for heartworm. The past few
months our clinic treated a Chihuahua, a Bouvier, a
Siberian Husky, and a Labrador retriever. There has been a
lot of discussion lately between the veterinary community
and vaccine manufacturers. Thanks to scientific advances
the immunity provided by many pet vaccines is lasting
longer. Therefore, many veterinarians are recommending
giving boosters on certain vaccines every three years
instead of yearly. That will save you money! Hopefully your
veterinarian has jumped on this bandwagon. Vaccines are
essential in protecting our pets against deadly viruses.
But the less vaccines we have to give the better. It all
depends on your pet's age and lifestyle. Talk to your vet.
Blood tests often reveal hidden health problems. If a
disease is detected early, it will be both easier and
cheaper to treat-for both you and your veterinarian.
Treating diseases involving kidney failure and liver
disease will cost you lots of money if your pet is in the
later stages. Even if your pet's blood tests are normal you
will have a baseline of his healthy values if there ever is
a problem in the future. Not a bad investment.

About the Author:

I'm an online publisher of web content and blogs pertaining
to the needs and wants of the public.
I'm also a business coach, and my coaching web can be found
at ... do check
out my latest blog about dogs at ... ...consider signing up
for my dog blog articles about the latest in canine health
care and training.



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