Sunday, January 20, 2008

How Does Protein Work For A Dog?

Article Title: How Does Protein Work For A Dog?
Author: Kelly Marshall

The question has been asked many times. Just how does protein
affect a dog's body and why do they need it. Proteins help to
build a strong dog with hair, ear and a nose. Without protein,
the body does not develop in a way to sustain life.

The muscular building block of protein consists of twenty-three
amino acids. The dog produces about thirteen amino acids on the
inside and the other ten on the outside of the body where it is
consumed. If a puppy is not given the ten outside amino acid
sources, it will not grow and develop. Without the outside
source of amino acids, a puppy with not grow and will become
sick and can die. An adult dog on the other hand will suffer a
deficiency of nutrition and grow weak.

The best source for amino acids is plants and meat, which
contain the largest amounts of amino acids that are needed for
growth and strength. Some proteins are better than others are
because not all protein supplies are the same. The amount of
protein needed depends on the amount of protein in the amino
acids. A dog just as a human does needs to have a
daily-recommended amount of amino acids, which are also called
biological value.

Understanding how important protein is for a dog is important
when you are choosing the proper foods. If your dogs food lacks
the needed proteins, they could become weak and develop a
protein deficiency.

Five Facts about Protein

Proteins are the building block of the body and are needed to
build strong bones and muscles. A lack of protein is called
protein deficiency.

A dog's immune system and structural makeup relies on protein
to develop and grow as the dog grows. Without enough protein,
the dog will become a structural disaster. Growth will not
appear in a dog with a lack of protein.

Proteins help with the growth of the coat, skin and nails.
Without protein, the dog's coat can become dull and fall out at
a high rate of speed.

The immune system relies on proteins to continue to protect the
body from diseases and other such infections. Without a properly
developed immune system, a dog can contact a disease or an
infection and die as a result because their immune system cannot
fight the ailment.

Proteins can come in many different sources. Check your usual
dog food to make sure that it's got enough protein. Good protein
sources would include beef, chicken, lamb, and other real meats.
Poor sources include bonemeal and chickenmeal. If you'd like to
supplement your usual dog food with extra protein, a good option
would be to add some raw ground beef and mix it with the dry
food. The fat content isn't really that important. The standard
85% lean ground beef mix will work just fine and dandy. You
don't have to use the extra lean grades like 93% lean or 99%
lean. Your dog will be fine with the additional fat. He's not
worried about love handles.

About The Author: For more information, visit

