Title: Show Dog Judging The Head, Body And Hindquarters
Author: Connie Limon
The show dog judge will ask you to place your Shih Tzu show dog
on the table. The Shih Tzu show dog judge will then get the
first close look at your Shih Tzu's expression. He will be
looking for proper shape and dark eyes. He will check the length
of your Shih Tzu's nose. He will look for the "correct"
slightly-undershot bite. The Shih Tzu show dog judge will
evaluate the shape of the top of your Shih Tzu's head. He will
check to see that the hair pulled up in the topknot does not
alter the set and placement of the ears (all these things must
be exact to the AKC standard for a Shih Tzu show dog to pass).
One thing in particular the Shih Tzu show dog judge will not
want to see in your Shih Tzu is any sign of fear, or if your
Shih Tzu turns its head away. The expressions of fear or turning
the head away would indicate "shyness." "Shyness" would be
considered a fault of the AKC show Dog Shih Tzu standard.
The Shih Tzu show dog judge will look at the ear leather. He
may raise the ears to check the length and thickness of the neck
and to see if the neck is well placed on the shoulders. These
are areas also that must be in compliance with the AKC standards
of a Shih Tzu show dog. The Shih Tzu show dog judge may trace
the angulation of the shoulders with his hands and the placement
of the front legs beneath the body is checked. A Shih Tzu show
dog judge may lift the dog up gently and let it down to see how
well the Shih Tzu lands on its feet. He may check the thickness
of the pads of the feet as well.
The Body:
The Shih Tzu show dog judge will check to see if the Shih Tzu
is in good weight, not to thin or too fat. The weight is
measured on a scale of 9 to 16 pounds as being appropriate for
the Shih Tzu show dog. Under or over this weight would be a
The Hindquarters:
The Shih Tzu show dog judge will check your Shih Tzu's tail to
see if it is set properly according to the AKC standard for tail
set. The tail must be carried over the body to the correct
degree. Angulation of hind legs is checked and a check for the
strength of the hindquarters is also made at this time. An
indication of weakness when the hocks are lightly "twanged" or
evidence of cow hocks would be noted as a fault in your Shih
Tzu. The hocks should be strong when moved gently back and
forth. If your Shih Tzu is a male, this is the point in which
the judge will count testicles. There must be two testicles
present or the male Shih Tzu will be disqualified.
There are strict standards of correct conformation of the head,
body and hindquarters, as well as other aspects of the Shih Tzu
that must be met during the Shih Tzu show dog judge's
evaluation. Further information regarding these requirements can
be obtained from the American Kennel Club either by writing to
them directly or from the AKC official website.
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About The Author: Connie Limon is a Shih Tzu breeder. She
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