Saturday, May 17, 2008

Are Your Pets Covered By Health Insurance?

Title: Are Your Pets Covered By Health Insurance?
Author: Elizabeth Newberry

When you think about purchasing health insurance, you probably
only think about your children, your spouse, and yourself. You
either buy into the health insurance package offered by your
employer or your spouse's employer, or you seek an individual
health insurance policy based your needs and the needs of your

But how many of you have thought about your pets when it comes
to health insurance? Pets are, after all, members of the family,
too. Do not feel ashamed if you have not thought of health
insurance for your pets; when it comes to pets, most people
choose to deal with health issues as they arise. While this may
work for some pet owners, it won't work for all pet owners. What
happens if your pet suffers from a health condition that a quick
trip to your local vet's office just won't fix? Do you let your
pet suffer, or have him put to sleep, because you can't afford
to help him?

No. You purchase pet health insurance and protect your pets the
same way you would protect all of the members of your family.

Pet insurance policies can cover a plethora of health needs for
your pets, including, but not limited to:

• Treatments for accidents, cancer, and other illnesses.
• Protection against fleas, heartworm, and other vaccinations.
• Hospitalization, surgeries, MRI, CAT scans, and X-rays.
• Basics such as annual check ups, prescription medication, and
even having your pets spayed or neutered.

Some pets may live their entire lives needing only to be
neutered and to wear flea collars; however, other pets may also
be involved in serious accidents, such as being hit by a
vehicle, or suffer severe health conditions, such as cancer.
Don't just cross your fingers and hope your pet is one of the
few who will remain healthy all his life. Purchase pet health
insurance and be sure you can protect your pets.

About The Author:



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