Title: The Citronella Dog Collar - A Natural Way For
Controlling A Dog's Barking
Author: Lee Dobbins
In this article we will look at a more natural way of
controlling a dog's barking compared to the more usual system of
shock collars. We are particularly going to look at the
citronella dog collar as a more effective type of dog bark
collar. In research carried out it has been found that the
citronella dog collar is twice as effective as many other types
of dog bark collars that are available especially the shock
versions. This efficiency is put down to the use of the
citronella solution which is present in the collar.
So when it comes to calming that "nuisance barking dog" then a
spritz of fragrance under the chin has often been found to be
more effective than an electronic shock. This is was found
after various tests were carried out by the Animal Behavior
Clinic at Cornell's College of Veterinary Medicine. In fact in
a report carried in the American Animal Hospital Association
Journal of May-June 1996 they found owners who tried the two
types of anti-barking collar available preferred the citronella
version to the electric shock version.
The citronella dog collar contains a reservoir of citronella
solution and will spray a small amount at the dog's face when
they commence barking. It is not only considered a humane way
of dealing with nuisance barking but in studies carried out it
is reported to be 88% effective. However, there is one drawback
to be had from using this type of collar and that is the
sensitivity of the microphone contained within it. So the
microphone is there to trigger the spray at the sound of the
dog's bark, but unfortunately it has been found that other
noises can set off the collar, which will result in a dog being
sprayed even when it hasn't barked. Also there have been cases
when a dog has realized that the reservoir containing the
citronella solution is empty and so commenced barking again.
So if you happen to be looking for a more effective way of
controlling your dog's nuisance barking then a citronella dog
collar may be the right choice for you. Especially if you are
looking for a more humane way of dealing with the problem.
About The Author: Lee Dobbins writes for
all types of dog collars.
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