Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Introducing A New Dog To Your Home

Article Title: Introducing A New Dog To Your Home
Author: Tim Tropical

It is one of the most exciting times in a pet owner's life, the
time when they bring a new dog into their home. As exciting and
happy of a time as this can be it can also bring some stressful
situations both for you and for the new dog. There are several
things that could cause problems right from the start when you
bring a new dog into your home. The stress of bringing a puppy
out of its environment and placing it into someplace new can be
quite large. That is why you must treat this situation very
carefully so that you and your new dog can get your relationship
off to a good start. What are some of the things that you should
keep in mind when bringing a new dog into the house?

The first thing that you should consider is the kind of
environment that you are introducing to the new dog. For
example, if you have another dog that has been at your house for
quite some time, then you need to consider the possibility that
your old dog may have a problem adjusting to the presence of the
new dog. If it becomes difficult to have the new dog around your
old dog then you might need to take the time to socialize them
slowly. Forcing a new dog on an old dog that is used to being
the only one in the house can cause problems that will last the
entire time that they live together. That is why it is so
important to treat the situation properly from the start.

Some of the main problems will occur if you are bringing a new
male dog in with an existing male dog. The same will be true,
and it might even be worse, if you are bringing a female in with
a female. Spaying or neutering your dog or dogs will help curb
some of this aggressive behavior. The problem is generally not
as pronounced if you have both a male and a female dog but
obviously that could cause some problems of its own. Make sure
that you don't end up with an unwanted litter of pups by having
one or both of the dogs fixed.

Generally speaking a new, younger dog will recognize the
authority of the existing dog. There are times, however, that
this may not be the case. For example, if you bring an
aggressive breed dog into a house with a dog that is very
submissive the new dog may try to establish his superiority
immediately. Just use common sense and try to choose wisely so
that these problems don't occur.

Bringing a new dog into the house can be a joyous event.
Unfortunately, for the dog it is often a stressful time as they
learn to live in their new environment and establish themselves
in the pack. Make sure that you do everything possible to make
it as comfortable for your new pet as you can. By doing this
both you and your new dog will adjust happily to your new

About The Author: For homemade dog food recipes your pet will
love please visit



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