Friday, November 23, 2007

Bullmastiff. Police Poachers And The Bullmastiff

Article Title: Bullmastiff. Police Poachers And The Bullmastiff
Author: John E Adams

"Bullmastiff Dog. The Origin of the Thief Catcher!"

The Bullmastiff was originally bred during the course of time
with a definite goal in mind – that of building and maintaining
a lineage which people could readily recognize, comprehend and

The bullmastiff found its origin in Britain and is actually a
part of the most ancient breeds of dogs from England, which is
the Mastiff, even though its family tree isn't as long and
illustrious as that of some other breeds.

The Mastiff itself is a member of the Alaunt and Molosser
family and it is popularly believed that this variety of dog
first came to Old England almost 2000 years earlier.

The Bullmastiff is a product of crossbreeding between the
Bulldog from Old England and the Mastiff.

The first Bullmastiff came into being only after 1860. About 60
per cent of the Mastiff was mixed with 40 per cent of the
Bulldog in order to help the gamekeepers in their job.

The properties of the gamekeepers and their stock of animals
were under constant threat from poachers who killed the deer and
a sturdy guard dog was needed to protect the property.

The bulldog wasn't effective for this work since it was tinier
in size than was necessary and the Mastiff also was not fast
enough to do the job well; hence the birth of the Bullmastiff.

The Bullmastiff, also known as the `Mastiff with a touch of
Bull' was much appreciated by the gamekeepers.

The dog itself had a dark colored coat of hair and was
surprisingly quiet which was required in order for it to
suddenly spring upon the encroaching poachers.

The dog would watch the property and when it came upon the
poachers it would pin down the victim to the earth dexterously
and didn't bite or attack the poacher as such.

Thus the Bullmastiff came to be known as the "gamekeeper's
night dog" and was originally bred to come of use in this
practical manner.

Bullmastiff breeding history of this gentle-giant dog breed

Although it was originally intended to serve as a guard dog for
the gamekeepers, with time it came to used for sentry duty,
guarding in general and was also used by the police personnel
and the army.

The 60 and 40 per cent miraculous mixing of the Mastiff and the
Bulldog continued to be used for all practical purposes but
finally, after some time passed, a purebred lineage came into

The English Kennel Club officially recognized the Bullmastiff
in the year 1924 after some amount of consistency came to be
maintained regarding the breeding of this dog.

In 1933 the Bullmastiff was recognized officially by the
American Kennel Club as well.

This breed came in quite handy as guard dogs and became
illustrious as a guard dog in many a prominent place. The south
African Mines of De Beer Diamonds was guarded by the Bullmastiff
as well the New York property of John D. Rockefeller.

Bullmastiffs were also used in extreme situations and
emergencies such as the Kenyan Mau-Mau unrest. The purpose of
breeding a Bullmastiff was very specific – they were trained to
pin men down to the earth without mauling them or biting them
till the time the owner of the guard dog appeared.

Many poachers started wreaking havoc on the properties of
England during the 19th Century. A lot of estate animals and
livestock came to be stolen and the Bullmastiff was used to put
an end to all this poaching.

The Bullmastiff was perfect because it was huge and threatening
to look at and yet surprisingly calm and used only to capture
the victim and hold him down.

This very strong variety of dog was thereby a result of
crossbreeding between the powerful races of Mastiffs and
Bulldogs with 60 per cent of Mastiff and 40 per cent of Bulldog
used for the first basic variety.

It was popularly called the "gamekeepers Night Dog" in the
beginning which was a common term usually attributed to almost
all of the big and sturdy dogs which were used by the
gamekeepers for guarding the estates.

But in time these dogs were bred with more caution and more
carefully and finally came to be known as the Bullmastiff – by
which name it is known even today.

A Bullmastiff has straight legs in the front which is different
from a normal Bulldog's.

The head of such a dog is square in shape and quite large in
size and the brows are somewhat wrinkled. The nostrils are
turned upward to some extent and it also has a short muzzle
which is quite broad. The neck and the head of the Bullmastiff
is almost as broad and square as the head and the shoulders of
this guard dog are also strong.

The hind portion is quite short even though the chest has
depth. Therefore we may safely say that the body of a
Bullmastiff is almost square in appearance. The dog itself is
the epitome of strength and vigor. The dog weighs usually
something between 110 to 130 pounds and at the withers is about
24 to 27 inches.

The build of the Bullmastiff is smaller than a Mastiff's but it
looks more sturdy and stocky in comparison to the Mastiff which
is more rangy and has more height.

The Bullmastiff may be fawn or red in color or even brindle. It
generally has a short and thick coat of hair and has a face
which has a black mark across it.

The bullmastiff is truly a wonderful dog.

They are however, not for everybody, but a perfect companion
for the right owner. Some mastiff owners say the gamekeeper's
night dog is their best friend in the whole world!

About The Author: John Adams Dog breeds explained. The
Bullmastiff is dedicated, loyal, alert, honest and a true
companion for the right person. Is that you: Bullmastiff
explained. Is this dog breed right for you?



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