Saturday, November 10, 2007

The Bond Between Dog And Owner. Do You Believe In Fate!

Article Title: The Bond Between Dog And Owner. Do You Believe
In Fate!
Author: John E Adams

The Bond Between Dog and Owner. Is there a right dog for you?

The Truth about Dog and owners

They say that dogs are man's best friend, but unless you have
actually experienced the bond between dog and owner it is
difficult to understand the true depth of that bond.

But if you want a dog, you need to consider the right dog breed
for you.

The Dog breed you choose plays a large part in how a dog fits
into a family, couple or single person's lifestyle.

Different types of dogs require different types of care.

While there are many factors that you should consider, dog
breed probably plays the largest part. Dalmatians, for example,
are not advised for families with children because they have a
tendency to bite.

Small dogs, like Chihuahuas, are not recommended for small
children because the dog breed is so fragile. Pit bulls and
other bully breeds are very loyal and affectionate, but they are
very much people dogs and require human interaction every day.

In fact, they make great inside dogs. With their intelligence
and utter devotion to their humans, they are relatively easy to

Dogs are pack animals and they view their humans as part of
their pack.

They want to be next to you and will be very protective of you.
When you bond with your dog, you will have a loyal friend and
companion, but when you decide to get a dog, make sure that you
are prepared to give it a forever home.

Find the right dog breed to fit your lifestyle. Not all dog
breeds are the same.

Training is vital when you are bringing a dog into your family.
It is highly suggested that you get obedience training for your
dog, regardless of whether you keep it inside or outside.

However, if you have an inside dog you pretty much can't get by
without some type of training. You need a well mannered dog in
your home or it will be total chaos!

Keeping in mind that dogs are pack animals, it is necessary for
you to establish yourself as the "alpha dog." Some dog breeds
are more dominant than others, so if you are not very assertive
then you may want to opt for a less challenging, more submissive

The right breed for your lifestyle as a dog owner is very

If you work all day and have little time to spend with your
dog, then a very active dog breed like a golden retriever is
probably not for you.

A better breed may be an American Bulldog or two small dogs (so
that they can keep each other company while you are gone).
However, regardless of the breed, your dog needs interaction and
exercise. Even a dog that stays outside needs an owner to
interact with, and at the very least walked at regular times.

A healthy diet is also very important for keeping your dog
happy and healthy. Good protein, crunchy kibble (for healthy
teeth and gums) and regular vet visits will keep your dog in
good shape.

Make sure that he is current on his vaccinations, even if he is
an inside dog. Your dog depends on your for everything so it is
up to you to make sure that all of his needs are met.

You can provide chew toys or bones to help prevent them from
chewing your shoes and furniture. It should also be noted that a
bored dog will often chew so if you keep your dog properly
stimulated and you interact with him regularly, you will have a
dog that is less likely to chew.

Kennelling during the day is also a good idea if you are not at
home. Allowing your dog to roam the house unsupervised is just
asking for trouble.

There is a lot to keeping a dog, but the effort is well worth

Your dog can be a wonderful companion and a loyal friend. Just
remember that the commitment is for a lifetime. Find a dog breed
that works great with your family and lifestyle and you will be
well rewarded. The dog and owner relationship is one of absolute
devotion, if you choose the right dog breed!

John Adams. Get the facts. Locate the perfect dog for you: dog
breeds and owners

About The Author: By John Adams. Get the facts. Locate the
perfect dog for you. Dog breeds and owners:



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