Saturday, September 22, 2007

7 Secrets Your Family Pet Can't Reveal

Article Title: 7 Secrets Your Family Pet Can't Reveal
Author: Leslie Gerard

Studies have indicated that people who have pets may live a
longer and happier life thanks to their four-legged friend. Not
only can stroking your cat or dog provide a sense of calm, but
it can also ease depression and anxiety. It's easy to see why
we love our pets, but many may be surprised to know just what
they are thinking. Believe it or not, there are some
fascinating secrets that your furry little friend literally
can't reveal.

They smile. Even though it isn't as obvious as when you or I
smile, your pet can put on a happy face. Animals have facial
expressions that stem from the use of muscles that can spark a

They love you every day. Unconditional is a term that means
something that is without condition, and that's how your pet
loves you. Even if you've had a bad day or everything else in
your life seems to be going wrong, your pet loves you. He/she
cannot verbally express this, but they can show you through
their actions and response to your presence.

They dream. Have you ever watched your pet sleep only to see
their legs moving, their nose twitching or other quick movements
that may suggest dreaming? If so, there's a very good reason.
Your pet probably is dreaming but, unlike humans, they cannot
communicate their emotions through words. As a pet lover, you
will learn to recognize the signs of a dream the longer you
watch your four-legged friend sleep. Awakening suddenly with a
frightened look may suggest a nightmare, so be ready to comfort
your pet and reassure them through loving strokes.

They recognize the tone of your voice. Most people will tell
you that their pets can understand them and, who knows, maybe
they can. But one thing is for certain; pets respond to the
tone of our voices. If we have anger or stress in our tone,
they pick up on it immediately. The same is true of happiness,
which typically sparks a positive reaction. The fact that tone
is important is proven when you scold a pet verbally and he/she
crouches as though they have done something wrong, or when you
praise them with kind words and they seem to bask in the

They miss you when you're gone. If you've ever read a magazine
article about pets, you may already know that countless animals
have been known to become destructive when left alone in a home.
The reason may be more than just bad manners. In fact, it may
be a serious case of loneliness. Animals recognize us by our
scent, which is why puppies and kittens often like to curl up
with something that reminds them of their new family. Reading
material often suggests rubbing a shirt or blanket over your
arms before giving it to your pet so that it will think of you
and feel close at all times. When you are gone, your pet does
miss you. If you doubt it, pay close attention to their
reaction when you arrive home.

They are eager to please. Believe it or not, animals actually
like to learn tricks and commands so that they can make you
happy. Have you ever noticed how happy a well-behaved dog is
when he/she receives praise for honoring a command? This is
because most pets want nothing more than to make their family
happy. Of course, just like people, they have those moments
when nothing can grab their attention. But more often than not,
your pet just wants your approval.

They have association skills. Because most animals have good
memories, they also have the ability to associate one event with
another. For instance, teaching your dog to sit means to make
him/her associate the command with an action. The same is true
of an event, such as a visit to the vet or a walk in the park.
Animals are smart and their impressive memory further confirms

Now that you know what your pet may be thinking, you can
attempt to understand him/her better. Hopefully, you can take
this newfound understanding and use it to make your relationship
with your pet purr-fect.

About The Author:



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