Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Puppy Training: What It Does It Entail?

Article Title: Puppy Training: What It Does It Entail?
Author: R. Bird

Did you just buy a new puppy? Are you thinking about doing so
sometime in the near future? If so, you will also want to
become familiar with puppy training. The fact of the matter is
that if you do not train your puppy you may end up with a
problem on your hands. Luckily, with a bit of puppy training
you can get past all of this and be well on your way to living
a happy life with your new pooch.

Most people who do not look into puppy training fail to do so
because they are not aware of what it entails. Although each
obedience school has a different way of doing things, most of
them touch on the same basics. For instance, your puppy will
learn the basic commands. This includes sit, stay, lie down,
heel, and come among others. When you teach these commands to
your puppy at an early age they will remember them for the rest
of their life.

Additionally, training will help to get your puppy used to
being around other people as well as other dogs. And as you can
imagine, this is quite important. When your puppy is trained to
socialize with anybody that they are around, you will have a
much easier time keeping it under control.

As you can see, puppy training is well worth the time and
money. Many people do not move forward with the puppy training
process and end up regretting it in the end. Remember, when you
train your dog at an early age you have a much better chance of
getting through to it.

So before your puppy gets too old, find a training class in
your area. For a minimal amount of money you can teach your
puppy the basics of behaving and socializing before they are
too old.

About The Author: Ruth is actively involved with the internet
and she finds it very exciting. Her passions are people and pet
health. She is a wife, a stepmom a dog owner and a business
person. She is married for almost 30 years to Chris who has
been, and still is, battling the monster MS. Two of her dogs
are Certified Therapy Dogs. She is currently working from her
home. Her About Page



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