Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Hip Dysplasia In Dogs Advice

Article Title: Hip Dysplasia In Dogs Advice
Author: Beck The Vet

Hip dysplasia is the most common cause of osteoarthritis in
young dogs. It is mainly an inherited condition and it is where
the ball and socket joint of the dog don't fit together properly
due to a loose joint. This then leads to other changes such as
osteoarthritis and pain. Some dogs will have no signs where as
others will be severely debilitated.

If a bitch or dog that has hip dysplasia but no signs of the
disease goes on to have puppies, the pups may show severe
signs. It is therefore essential that bitches and dogs have
x-rays and a good "hip score" before breeding to make sure
there is less risk of producing affected puppies.

The acceptable score varies from breed to breed. Your vet will
be able to take x-rays and send them away for scoring by the
BVA/ KC (British Veterinary Association/ Kennel Club). These
x-rays need to be perfectly straight with the dog on its back
and are thus taken under general anaesthetic.

If my young dog has hip dysplasia what can I do to help?

- Manage the diet. It is vital the growing dog doesn't grow too
fast or too slowly and is fed a diet appropriate for the breed
and age.

- Overweight dogs are at high risk and may develop more severe

- Exercise carefully. It should be carefully controlled. Ask
your vet your advice.

- Pain relief. Ask your vet! N.B. human pain killers are
poisonous to dogs!

- Surgery. Hip replacements can be performed at specialist
centres when dog fully grown.

- Physiotherapy

- Swimming

Please ask advice from your vet before changing diet or
exercise of your pet.

My old dog has hip dysplasia what can I do to help?

- Make sure your old dog is not overweight as this will put a
great strain on the already suffering joints. If your dog is
overweight consult your vet as he or she will need careful
monitoring throughout the diet. A special food may be indicated
which is filling and has all the essential nutrients but less

- Joint supplements containing glucosamine and condroitin may

- Careful exercise. Little and often is best and don't be
tempted to overdo it at the weekend. Your old pet simply isn't
up to it any more!

- Swimming and physiotherapy

- Pain relief may be prescribed by your vet

If your pet is still in pain despite the above then surgery may
be an option. You should also consult with your vet before
changing your pet's diet and exercise regime.

About The Author: Beck the Vet is the Online Veterinary at
Parcel Pets where she helps pet lovers by providing free vet
advice: http://www.pets2home.co.uk/page--Vet-FAQ--ste_faq.html
Parcel Pets - http://www.pets2home.co.uk/ - are one of the UK's
leading pet supplies sites.



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