Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Dogging the Dogs

Title: Dogging the Dogs
Author: Gary Kurz

The Humane Society has gone on record stating that dog
bites have become an epidemic. While I agree that the more
than five million annually recorded bites are of epidemic
proportions, it is nonsense to categorize dog bites
themselves as an epidemic. They are not a contagious
disease that has been allowed to continue unchecked and
there is no connection between the bite of one dog and

Additionally, I reject the premise that dog bites are
always a deliberate action on the part of dogs. Rather,
most dog bites are a reaction to some external stimulus. I
am not suggesting that biting is a justifiable reaction,
only that the reaction is often explainable. There are
reasons that dogs become aggressive and violent.

I will concede that sometimes dogs attack without any
apparent provocation, but somehow the public gets the
message that all dog bites are of this variety. It seems
the media's thirst for the sensational has caused them to
focus more on extreme examples of bad dog behavior rather
than presenting the whole story.

A more balanced representation of both unprovoked and
provoked attacks by the media would be much fairer to this
noble animal. Additionally, such an approach might help
educate the public on how to avoid being bitten by a dog
rather than cause them to panic every time they see an
unleashed canine. Sadly, the result of one-sided press
is usually lower public tolerance and ultimately,
unspeakable carnage for a species of animal whose history
has been one of service and companionship to us. For each
dog bite there are a million wagging tails and sloppy
kisses that go unreported. Yet each day in our country
many dogs are put down simply because they exhibited
aggressive behavior.

I am not saying that we should give animals with bad
behavior a free pass. I am saying rather that with a
little more awareness and effort, most dogs can be trained
to be non-aggressive and the public can be made aware of
how to avoid being bitten.

If you keep a dog, there are certain things you need to do
to ensure that your animal does not develop aggressive
behavior. He/she may display good behavior in your
presence, but you want to make sure they act the same way
when you are not around. There are certain steps each
responsible dog owner should take to help their best friend
develop properly. Here is an acronym to help you remember
several critical points in ensuring that your dog is a
"good boy/girl". The word is STOP (as in "stop them from

S - Spay or neuter. Only about 25% of dog bites come from
dogs that have been spayed or neutered. There are
differing opinions as to why this is, but whatever the
reason, it works. Aside from the other advantages of
having this procedure performed, give your best friend a
head start on developing good behavior by having them
spayed or neutered.

T - Training. Formal, professional training is best, but
if you would rather do the job yourself, consult with
experts or read leading books on the topic. Make sure your
dog responds not only to your commands, but to those of
your immediate family. Train them to be sociable with
those of your household and with visitors. Do not isolate
them in the backyard on a chain. This almost guarantees
behavioral problems. Rather, expose them to people in
positive situations and teach them to be comfortable around

O - Observe. If possible, observe how your dog acts around
other people without them knowing you are watching. Also,
consider setting up a video camera in the home while you
are gone for a few hours to see how they react to outside
noise, telephone rings, deliveries, other pets, etc. This
may seem an extreme measure, but you may be surprised at
what you find. If you discover problems, go back to "T"
above to correct them.

P - Play. Playing is important to an animal, just as it is
to people. As silly as this may sound, they need a
diversion from their life of leisure, a time to get excited
and to burn up energy. Play games with them. Run through
the woods with them. Go swimming with them. Avoid
anything that would promote aggressive behavior like saying
"sic em" when you see a bird or squirrel, but make them use
up their energy in positive ways.

Balls were made for children and dogs. Use them. Make
them have a good time and they will be happy. The worst
thing I ever saw a happy dog do was slobber all over
someone. That may make them manner-challenged, but it does
not make them a bad dog. Make sure that your pet knows the
difference between being good and being bad. If they are
properly trained and socialized, they should be able to
understand the difference.

Now then, this takes care of your dog, but what about the
dogs of others? What can you do to protect yourself and
your family from a dog that has not been trained and
socialized properly when they display aggressive and
threatening behavior? Let's employ another acronym. The
word this time is SCARS (as in how to avoid getting them
from an aggressive dog).

S - Strangers. You should be very cautious when you
approach or are approached by a strange dog. Of course,
the danger is relative depending on the size of the dog. I
don't think an angry Chihuahua is as much a threat to
someone as an annoyed Doberman, for example; so exercise
appropriate caution. Remember that the dog doesn't know
you either and to them, you are large and threatening in
your own right. You make them feel uncomfortable.

C - Control. When you are in a situation where a strange
dog is displaying aggressive behavior toward you, try to
control the way you react. The old axiom that animals can
smell fear probably is better stated that they can "see"
fear. If a dog growls at you and you take off screaming
and running like a Saturday morning cartoon character, the
dog is probably going to chase you.

Each situation is different, but generally speaking, it is
a good idea not to turn and run, not to scream and not to
make eye contact with the animal. If the dog approaches
you, it is recommended that you keep arms, legs and hands
close to your body. Maintaining control is important. It
is akin to not splashing in the water when a shark is
around. You don't want to draw attention to yourself.

A - Awareness. Don't surprise a sleeping dog. Make them
aware that you are there. They can be startled just like
people and their initial reaction is going to either be
that they run off with their tail between their legs, or
they stand and defend themselves. The former is preferred
over the latter, but there is no guarantee that is the way
they will react when disturbed.

Therefore, when approaching a sleeping dog, or one that is
otherwise preoccupied and does not see your approach, make
it a point to make them aware of your presence long before
you are close enough to startle them. Often they will just
give an initial cursory bark and then go about their

R - Respect. If at all possible, adherence to the old
cliché "let sleeping dogs lay" is a good rule to follow.
Some dogs wake up as grumpy as people do and it is better
to just let them sleep. Additionally, dogs that are
eating, feeling ill, pregnant or nursing a litter require a
little more respect than the dog that comes up to you
wagging their tail. Just as we covet our personal space,
they want theirs too. Respect their needs and you will
have fewer problems.

S - Substitute. If all else fails and you are certain that
an attack is imminent, be ready to substitute an article of
clothing or something you are carrying in place of your
body. We have all seen the nature documentary where a
hiker throws their backpack to a charging bear. The bear
stops to investigate this "present", affording the hiker
valuable time to make their escape. Dogs are curious
creatures too. If you throw your purse or shirt or shoe in
their path, the chances are good that they will stop to
investigate. You can always come back later and get your

In summation, most dog attacks do not have to happen. They
can be avoided. It only takes a little effort on the part
of dog owners and common sense on the part of the rest of

The author is a retired Coast Guard Officer and Baptist
Preacher. His most popular book, "Cold Noses at the Pearly
Gates" delivers hope and comfort to those who have lost a
cherished pet. Visit at http://www.coldnosesbook.com for
additional information, tips and other useful features or
write to Gary at petgate@aol.com.

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