Friday, January 05, 2007

Pit Bull vs. Stun Gun

Article Title: Pit Bull vs. Stun Gun
Author: Kenneth Herman

My story takes place while taking a walk in my neighborhood. A
pit bull by the name of Satan broke through his fence and
charged at me while his owner was away. This may not have
happened if Kevin was home with his dogs.

My first instinct was to run, but I new the dog would catch me
so I turned to face him. At first he paused, then lunged at me
clamping onto my arm with his massive jaws. The pain and fear
made me think I was going to die. I screamed for help and then
noticed a tall male running towards me holding a black object
in his hand. He drove the object into the neck of Satan with
extreme audacity and pressed a button that screeched out an
arch of lightening that pounded the pit bull to the ground... I
was bleeding terribly while the person with the 775,000 volt
stun gun stood above Satan waiting for him to move..

The man that saved me is a security guard........ We are very
good friends' and I believe he saved my life. Without the stun
gun he could not have helped me...

Pit bulls are dangerous dogs that have caused death to people
and other animals. Over the past few years since the year 1995
up to 2005 there have been multiple dog attacks against both
adults and children.

One case recently in 2005, there were some children playing in
their suburban neighborhood as they always did during spring
break. Three dogs escaped from their back yard and found their
way through the neighborhood to were the children were playing.
Without warning the dogs attacked the children. The children
never saw the dogs. The one child that survived the attack said
the dogs came out of the bushes.

Two children lost their lives that day. The autopsy revealed
that the dogs were digesting human remains. They not only
attacked, but began to eat the children. It was apparent to the
officials that the dogs had not been fed by their owner for some
time. The dogs were hungry. They were not Chihuahuas that were
hungry, but Pit Bulls.

If the children had been wearing a Dog Chaser that lets out an
ultrasonic frequency that scares off unwanted approaches of
dogs up to 15 feet, they may still be alive today. set for
early March.

About The Author:



1 comment:

Lokhtar said...

Pit Bulls are not aggressive towards people. They tend to be animal aggressive, but they are usually very friendly toward people. In fact, if you have no other pets, they make fantastic pets for children.

They just have this horrible reputation because a lot of people breed dogs without proper training, and abuse them, so they turn aggressive.